Have you ever thought about marketing your service-oriented business as a product? It’s called productizing your services and if you do it correctly, you will see an increase in sales.
How Can I Productize My Services?
Let’s say you own a business that involves meeting with clients to learn about their business. After gathering this information, you return to your office to develop a strategy to meet the needs of your client. All of this takes time, which any business person knows is money. More time is then spent on determining the time frame for the project and how it fits into your schedule.
To simplify, when you productize your services you create a system whereby you package your services into marketable products for your clients. Productizing your services will cut down on your time spent with clients, make things easier for you and your clients, and put more money in your pocket.
Here are a few ways to productize your services:
- Segment your services into small portions and give each portion a price. For example, if you have a carpet cleaning/floor maintenance business, you can price things such as carpet stain removal, area rug cleaning, and cleaning of one room of carpet all at different prices. Then, your customer can choose what service they would like to have completed. Segmenting services to productize your services is a great way to promote other services and sell more than one service.
- Bundle your services into packages with established pricing. Perhaps you own a heating and cooling business. You can establish a price for installation of heating and cooling units. Then, you can create a bundle which includes installation of the units along with a service agreement to perform routine maintenance on the units. You can continue to do this with other services and create bundles that include more services with an appropriate price attached.
- Use a periodic service and payment strategy. Suppose you provide accounting services throughout the year. Using a periodic service and payment strategy to productize your services, you could open up your services to include an ongoing bookkeeping service for clients and charge them a monthly fee. This way, you provide an ongoing service over time and have consistent income over that time.
Marketing your services can be complicated and time consuming, whether through productizing or other means . Tandem Marketing & Design can help you productize your services or assist you with any other marketing or design need you may have. Call us today at 717-324-8389 or visit our website for more information.