Internet Marketing | How a Marketing Plan Revolves Around Your Website

How a Marketing Plan Revolves Around Your Website

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Top 10 List of Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business
March 18, 2016
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March 30, 2018

How a Marketing Plan Revolves Around Your Website

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

It’s hard to run a website, let alone an online business, without coming across internet marketing services, either by chance or by proposition.  If you’re still researching how a marketing plan can boost your business, then we’ve got the perfect guide on how to get the most out of internet marketing.  Great marketing will not only result in more traffic and conversions, but a long-term strategy that will result in reliable, expansive growth.

Improving On-page Metrics

Marketing strategies should never exclude the quality of traffic, when it comes to acquiring more traffic.  What good is a tidal wave of visitors if the average time spent on your page is about 5 seconds?  You need to know what the average time is per visit so that you can find out whether or not you are making a bad first-impression, even if the actual content isn’t the problem.  

Is your number of unique visits low, but your returning visits high?  Are you going after the right demographics for your niche?  A quality marketing plan will include detailed traffic behavior to see: who is visiting your website, where they’re coming from, and what they do when they reach your page.

While an internet marketing team may be able to increase your unique visitors, their work may be wasted if you aren’t optimizing your on-page structure and researching your target audience.

A Loyal Following

Another major facet to a successful marketing plan for your website is growing your core customer base to increase the brand’s image and community activity.  Unique website traffic doesn’t just come from successful ad campaigns alone, it also comes from visitors who heard about you on social media or were referred by word-of-mouth recommendations.  This is the type of long-term strategy you want to seek out, don’t just settle for short-term gains or “going viral” campaigns.

The key to getting loyal customers who will help you grow your traffic is having a strong content strategy and brand image.  Marketing can only help you so much if you don’t have content that is seen as unique or valuable to the visitor.  This is easily measurable by looking at your website’s bounce rate.

Having a high bounce rate will negate any boost in website traffic, so it is important to invest time into good web design and quality content first.

Get Honest Feedback

All successful marketing strategies revolve around listening to customer feedback.  Knowing what works and what doesn’t is important if you want to acquire loyal customers and generate excitement about your brand.  This requires you to be active on all your social media accounts.  Don’t hand off these duties to someone to act as basic customer service, at least not until you have nailed down all the important foundations of a well-oiled marketing plan.  People connect with accessibility even more than affordability, for example, it is well worth your time to respond to comments, complaints, and memes on social media to build up that loyal customer base.


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